Enterprise Content Management for HR Departments

Human resources departments face many different challenges daily, but there is one consistent presence that affects HR teams of all shapes and sizes: a mountain of paperwork.

HR departments need to collect, maintain, and organise vast amounts of employee information. HR departments that still depend on outdated paper processes are not just wasting resources — they are putting their company’s time, compliance, and employee security at risk. ​

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) software for HR changes this equation by moving HR functionality into the cloud. Using tools ranging from automated document capture to digital forms, a comprehensive ECM brings an HR department into the 21st century by making common processes more efficient, streamlined, and secure. ​

Here are the top five reasons your HR department needs enterprise content management software: ​

Regulatory Compliance

Maintaining proper HR records is not just good business practice; it is the law in many instances. ​​

Regulatory compliance requires employers to collect and keep certain documents. ECM software enables you to capture, store, and organise these important documents electronically. As a result, HR teams can keep crucial information in one centralised repository, which in turn helps to keep the business compliant.

Data Security

A stack of forms filled out with pen and paper is not exactly secure. One glance at an open folder could give intruding eyes a look at an employee’s sensitive personally identifying information. Or worse, physical records can be lost or destroyed in an accident or due to theft, eliminating your only known copy of a document. ​

ECM software keeps your HR data safe and secure from the ground up. Firstly, with a secure user-based sign-in, only those with permissions will have access to employee archives, databases and documents. And, with cloud-based ECM software, you can back up documents on a secure server, which is accessible anywhere. Therefore, in the event of an unexpected disaster, the information critical to keeping your business running will always be available over the internet.

Software Integration

Is your HR team on the same software page as the rest of your organisation? ECM software enables an HR department to collaborate across a wide variety of popular business systems using powerful software integrations. Using platforms such as Dropbox, Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft Office 365, QuickBooks and Salesforce, ECM software can share documents through the applications your organisation is already using and present them as needed in a single view — all without the hassle of a massive migration project. ​

Audit Readiness 

No company enjoys the unpleasant surprise of an audit letter. But being caught off guard by an audit can be even worse. This situation requires employees to take time away from their everyday tasks to assist in tracking down information or missing files. ​

One of the company’s best defences against an audit is ECM software that collects all an HR department’s important files in one place. This highly effective tool can instantly find any document bolstered by full file system integration and powerful search capabilities. ECM software also offers a complete audit trail, creating filterable and exportable logs of all document actions by date and user to ensure full transparency into your business records. ​

Workflow Management​

Is the task of data collection slowing down your business practices? Whether you need properly completed forms or are seeking that one last signature, having to wait on a colleague to complete one simple task can have a ripple effect on productivity.

ECM software includes powerful workflow management tools to maximise the HR department’s efficiency. Through digital forms and data collection, employees can collaborate through an electronic workflow that invites users to access documents electronically. Additionally, you can schedule automatic reminders to ensure work gets completed by a deadline. As a result, your team can cut down the time spent waiting on an employee to finish looking over a document.

The Main Benefits of Enterprise Content Management to an HR Department


  • Copious HR paperwork can be problematic to manage
  • Time-consuming manual processes, like manual data entry
  • Large files lead to high storage costs
  • Old fashioned document retrieval through file cabinets

One of the most productive benefits of ECM software is automation in the workplace, especially the automation of manual, paper-based tasks. It enables HR staff with every document they need in context and at their fingertips. ECM software reduces time-consuming data entry and workflow processes. Therefore, your HR team can get more work done in less time with fewer resources — all by improving document creation, storage, and retrieval.


  • Lack of standard onboarding or employee offboarding processes
  • Records with frequent changes
  • Post-hire activities need to be scheduled and documented

The average cost of recruiting a new employee in the UK is £3,000, according to GlassDoor. ECM software helps standardise the onboarding process (link to Demo video). Additionally, it helps with the hiring process in applying the process to applications and interviews, automating the delivery of documents to interviewers and stakeholders.


  • Likely fines for not producing the proper documentation
  • Retention schedules associated with employee records

HR professionals are burdened with the paperwork required to justify costs and satisfy government regulations. Human resources are the most likely to experience fines out of all company departments if paperwork is filed improperly. Staffers can secure sensitive documents with user permissions.

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