Transforming Customer-Facing Operations with BusinessOptix

Posted by Stratas

Apr 06 — 2023

Transforming Customer-Facing Operations with BusinessOptix

A well-known financial services organisation aimed to transform their customer-facing work practices from ad hoc and siloed to continuous improvement. They discovered they needed an easier way to implement this as they found new and better ways to operate.

The journey started with creating a continuous improvement team whose first task was transforming the claims-handling process. Early on the team recognised that documenting their as-is and to-be processes and finding a simple way to roll these out would be an important part of the transition.

At the time the business was using Visio, it identified the need for a tool that would support their work’s multiple dimensions (including modelling, comparisons, version control, etc.). Using BusinessOptix the organisation could create, store and manage its processes.

Initial BusinessOptix outputs included:

  • Illustrating current and future states
  • Creating and publishing training material
  • Capturing process risks
  • Enabling process sharing, reviews and approvals
  • Providing end-user activity reports and a central process library

As a result, the organisation has significantly improved how processes are designed, rolled out and managed. For example, each stage is now documented and easily captured this means the team can share changes and collaboratively develop and deliver new and optimised processes.

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